
Examining the Stunning Beauty of Assamese Traditional Jewellery

Assam, one of the states with the most diversified cultures in India, is widely recognised for its stunning indigenous jewellery creations

Assam, one of the states with the most diversified cultures in India, is widely recognised for its stunning indigenous jewellery creations. One of the highlights of India’s rich cultural legacy is the traditional jewelery from Assam. The state is rich in ornaments for your personal and home decorations, as well as in art, music, dance, food, and ornaments. A variety of Assamese traditional jewellery can be seen shining brightly during festivals in every nook and cranny. This article will go through the many styles and patterns of traditional Assamese jewellery, as well as how those styles are used in contemporary pieces. So let’s get started right now.

The development of traditional jewellery in Assam

The cultural history of Assam and its traditional jewels clearly show a blend of generations of art and skill as they go through ages and kingships. Traditional Assam jewellery uses a variety of methods, from filigree to granulation, and is mostly made of the royal metals of gold and silver. Precious and semi-precious stones like rubies, emeralds, and diamonds are examples of other traditional materials. Ancient jewellery made of various materials, including seeds, beads, bamboo, and canes, demonstrates the state’s intimate relationship with nature. Traditional Assamese jewellery is vivid, created in cheery and vibrant patterns that are influenced by the state’s flora and fauna.

Types of traditional jewellery from Assam

All around the state, people wear the numerous traditional jewellery pieces with great pride and joy. The ornamentation and attractive appearance of the patterns are intended to resemble the goddess Durga, the wearer’s deity. Let’s examine many styles of Assamese traditional jewellery.

Necklaces & Designs from the Past

The many forms of necklaces, such as Dholbiri, Jonbiri, and Keru, are the first sorts of traditional jewellery. The region’s traditional bridal jewellery is called a dholbiri necklace. Made of gold and silver and embellished with large, ornate designs that are inspired by nature. Another sort of traditional necklace is the jonbiri, which has chains or beads made of gold or silver. These necklaces are very magnificent, to put it mildly. They are made of enamel work and embellished with jewels.

While a different style of necklace known as Keru is also fashioned with beaded chains in gold and silver that are braided into filigree work and have a pendant in the centre. These are frequently worn to celebratory events and formal gatherings.

Designs and Earrings from the Past

Traditional earring styles are another sort of Assamese jewellery. The most popular earring designs include dugdugi, kanphool, and thuria.

Dugdugis, which are bell-shaped and have jingling noises, are frequently worn at weddings and other formal occasions. The other type of traditional jewellery is called kanphool, and it has a flowery pattern made of gold or silver. The classic earring style perfectly complements a bride since it captures the charm of blooming flowers.

The Thuriya earrings, which are Assamese traditional hoops, are the other variety of traditional earrings. They may be worn with both formal and informal attire and are constructed of gold and silver with floral and geometric themes.

Bangles and bracelets from the past

Bana, thuriya, and senpahi bracelets and bangles are examples of traditional jewellery. The intricate and extensive motifs on the Bana bracelet are composed of gold and silver. They are created with fine filigree work and occasionally worn as showpiece jewellery.

The greatest bracelets to wear every day are jonbiri bracelets, which are made of weaved strands of gold and silver. Silver bracelets with geometric designs are known as senpahi bracelets. worn to fend off evil by both men and women.

Unique Head Jewellery

The head decorations like Bor poni, Kekara, and Jethi potiya are the last of the traditional Assamese jewellery varieties. For Assamese women and their culture, each of these jewellery holds immense significance. Gold or silver bor ponis have flower, leaf, and other naturalistic pattern designs. When attending weddings and other formal occasions, they are worn across the head.

The Assamese state-specific headdress known as a kekara is worn at the side of the head above the ear. They are gorgeous, made of filigree and accented with jewels and enamel.

These are a few examples of the traditional Assamese jewellery designs still created and worn today.

The indigenous jewellery styles of Assam successfully blend the beauty of the local flora, animals, and scenery. The people of Assam value their own traditional clothing and jewels while celebrating holidays and other significant occasions, which demonstrates how well-aware they are of the geographic and cultural legacy of the region. Many of these designs have influenced contemporary jewellery designs and will do so in the years to come. It is much more lovely and seductive since contemporary methods and old art and craft have been combined.

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