
What to Do If Instagram Engagement Is Dropping?

If your Instagram engagement is decreasing, you can do the following:

Analyze your posts

Do an analysis of your posts that have decreased engagement rates. Is there a type of content that your followers lack interest in? Are the captions or hashtags that you use inappropriate? From this analysis, you can try to improve or change your strategy.

Try posting new content

Try to post new content that is different from usual. For example, you could try using a different post format, such as video posts or more creative posts.

Use Instagram stories

Use the Instagram Stories feature to increase engagement. Use features in Instagram Stories, such as polls, questions, or quizzes to make your followers more active in interacting.

Interaction with followers (followers)

Interact with your followers, such as responding to comments or DMs from your followers. Visit your followers’ accounts and like their posts. This can increase engagement on your account. Don’t hesitate to invite interaction via Instagram Stories to make it more communicative.

Check Hashtags

Make sure the hashtags you use are still relevant and not banned by Instagram. This can affect the number of followers who see your posts.

Good Instagram Engagement Rate

Increasing engagement on Instagram is not as fast as lightning. Brand awareness, and positioning, of the content that you present to your audience, must be attractive and right on target.
The following is an explanation of the measure of a good engagement rate. In fact, whether engagement on Instagram is good or bad really depends on the number of followers and the type of account you have. As an illustration, the average engagement rate on Instagram is around 1-3%. However, accounts with smaller numbers of followers usually have higher engagement rates.

To determine whether your engagement rate is good or not, you need to compare it with similar accounts with the same or similar number of followers. If your engagement rate is higher than the average on similar accounts, then that can already be said to be a good engagement rate.

However, if your engagement rate is below average, then there may be some things that need to be improved in your strategy, such as more engaging content or more active engagement with your followers.

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Formulas and How to Calculate Instagram Engagement

Instagram engagement is the number of user interactions with the content you post on Instagram. Here’s how to increase Instagram engagement through the calculations.

The way to calculate Instagram engagement is to add up the number of likes, comments, and direct messages (DM) on a post, then divide it by the number of followers and multiply it by 100%. The formula is as follows:

You can also calculate the engagement rate of all posts on your Instagram profile by adding up all the likes, comments, and DMs on all posts over a certain period of time, then dividing by the total number of followers, and multiplying by 100%.

Tools to Increase Instagram Engagement

There are several tools that can help increase Instagram engagement, among them are


This social media management platform allows users to manage their Instagram accounts, track post performance, and expand their audience reach.


This app provides posting schedule features, post-performance analysis, and the ability to find relevant hashtags to increase engagement.


This graphic design platform helps users to create attractive visual content to upload on Instagram.


This social media analytics platform provides insights into how posts and followers are performing on Instagram, so users can refine their strategy and increase engagement.


This social media management application allows users to plan and manage posting schedules, as well as track post performance and follower growth on Instagram.


It’s important to understand that engagement on Instagram isn’t just about likes and comments. By developing strategies that cover all of these aspects, Instagram users can increase their engagement and build stronger relationships with their followers. It is hoped that increasing Instagram engagement will become easier.

Overall, this article has provided a useful guide for those of you as Instagram owners looking to increase engagement with your audience in the right way. By applying the tricks described in this article, you will hopefully be able to build closer relationships with your followers and take advantage of the opportunities that exist on the Instagram platform.

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